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How to Add Texture to a Room with Fabrics and Textiles

How to Add Texture to a Room with Fabrics and Textiles

Posted on December 26th, 2023

Texture is a powerful tool in interior design that can elevate the look and feel of any space. 

Whether you're aiming for a cozy, rustic vibe or a modern, sleek aesthetic, incorporating natural textures and mixing fabrics and textiles can transform your room. 

In this article, we'll explore how to add texture to a room effectively using African fabrics and textiles.

Let's get started!

The Power of Texture in Interior Design

When it comes to interior design, texture is often an underestimated and overlooked element. Yet, it holds incredible power to transform a space from bland and uninspiring to captivating and inviting. Let's delve deeper into how texture can impact your living spaces.

Visual Interest and Dimension

Texture is the secret ingredient that adds visual interest and dimension to a room. In a well-designed space, texture complements color and pattern, creating a harmonious balance. Without texture, a room may feel flat, one-dimensional, and uninspiring. The interplay of light and shadows on textured surfaces adds depth and complexity, making your space visually stimulating.

Tactile Experience and Comfort

Texture isn't just about what you see; it's also about what you feel. The tactile experience that texture offers is a fundamental aspect of interior design. It invites touch, interaction, and engagement with the environment. Textured surfaces, such as a plush rug, a knitted throw, or a rough stone wall, provide a sense of comfort and coziness that smooth surfaces alone cannot replicate.

Balance and Harmony

Texture plays a crucial role in achieving balance and harmony in a room's design. It allows you to blend different elements seamlessly. For instance, if you have a room dominated by sleek, modern furniture, introducing texture through textiles or natural materials can soften the overall look and create a more harmonious atmosphere. Texture acts as a bridge between contrasting elements, ensuring that they work together cohesively.

Warmth and Comfort

Certain textures have an innate ability to evoke feelings of warmth and comfort. Think of a room adorned with soft, tactile fabrics like velvet, wool, or fur. These textures not only make the space physically inviting but also emotionally soothing. They create an environment where you and your guests can relax, unwind, and feel at ease.

Personalization and Character

Texture allows you to infuse your personality and character into your living spaces. Whether you prefer a rustic, natural look with weathered wood and stone textures or a sleek, contemporary style with polished surfaces and metallic accents, texture helps convey your design preferences and individuality. It's a powerful tool for making a space uniquely yours.

Acoustic Comfort

Texture also has practical benefits. In addition to its visual and tactile qualities, it can contribute to acoustic comfort. Textured materials like rugs, drapes, and upholstered furniture absorb sound, reducing echoes and noise levels in a room. This is particularly important in open-plan living spaces or areas with high ceilings.

Timeless Appeal

Texture has a timeless appeal in interior design. Unlike trends that come and go, the tactile quality of texture remains relevant and attractive across different design eras. Incorporating texture into your interior design ensures that your space remains stylish and inviting for years to come.

Now that we recognize the importance of texture, let's explore how to incorporate it effectively.

Tips for Adding Texture to a Room

Whether you're aiming for a cozy, rustic ambiance or a sleek, modern aesthetic, adding texture can help you infuse texture into your space with style and sophistication. Let's see how you can achieve this.

1. Mix and Match African Fabrics

African fabrics are a fantastic way to introduce texture and personality into your space. 

Here's how to incorporate them:

  • Throw Pillows and Cushions: Adorn your sofa or chairs with African fabric throw pillows. Mix and match various prints and colors for a vibrant look.
  • Table Runners: Use African fabrics as table runners to add a touch of culture to your dining area.
  • Wall Art: Frame African fabrics as unique wall art pieces. This not only adds texture but also serves as a conversation starter.

2. Add Ankara Cloth and Leather Fans

Ankara cloth and leather fans are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. 

Here's how to integrate them:

  • Decorative Wall Fans: Hang Ankara cloth and leather fans on your walls as decorative elements. They create a striking focal point and add depth to your space.
  • Functional Decor: Use Ankara cloth and leather fans as both home decor and cooling devices. Hang them near windows or in breezy corners.
  • Mix and Match: Don't be afraid to mix textures. Pair Ankara cloth fans with leather fans to create a captivating contrast in your room.

3. Layer Textiles for Depth

Layering textiles is a key technique for adding depth and richness to a room. 

Consider these ideas:

  • Rugs: Layer rugs of different textures, such as a natural fiber rug over a plush carpet or vice versa.
  • Throws: Drape textured throws over your furniture to introduce softness and warmth.
  • Curtains: Opt for curtains with subtle textures like linen or velvet to frame your windows beautifully.

4. Natural Materials and Textures

Incorporating natural textures can bring an organic feel to your space.


  • Wood: Add wooden elements like furniture, wall decor, or shelving for a warm and earthy texture.
  • Stone: Stone surfaces, such as granite countertops or slate floors, introduce a rugged yet sophisticated texture.
  • Plants: Indoor plants not only add visual texture but also contribute to a fresher ambiance.

5. Contrast in Texture and Scale

Create interest by playing with contrasting textures and scale.

Here's how:

  • Mix Smooth and Rough: Pair smooth, glossy surfaces like glass or metal with rougher textures like woven baskets or exposed brick.
  • Vary Sizes: Combine large-scale textures, such as a textured wall, with smaller-scale textures like throw pillows or intricate artwork.

6. Lighting and Shadows

Consider the interplay of light and shadows when adding texture. Incorporating texture-enhancing techniques can completely transform the ambiance and personality of your room.

Here are some ideas:

  • Textured Lighting: Choose light fixtures with textured shades or intricate designs to cast intriguing shadows.
  • Accent Lighting: Use spotlights or uplighting to highlight textured surfaces, creating a dramatic effect.


In this article, we've uncovered the transformative power of texture in interior design. From enhancing visual interest and adding depth to providing a tactile experience and fostering comfort, texture plays a pivotal role in creating captivating living spaces. Whether you aim to evoke warmth and harmony or express your unique personality, texture is your ally.

At MotherEarth-Africa Essential Raw Naturals, we understand the art of adding texture to a room. Our collection of African fabrics with various prints, Ankara cloth, and leather fans provides you with the perfect elements to infuse texture, culture, and style into your living spaces. Ready to start your journey of textural transformation?

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For further questions, get in touch with us at (209) 500-5912 or [email protected] to explore our range of products and embark on a textured adventure that will elevate your interior design game. Make your space a reflection of your unique personality and embrace the richness of texture with MotherEarth-Africa Essential Raw Naturals. Elevate your space, elevate your life.

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